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History House Project

Change of Plan

In 2016, the RAHS was granted a development application from the City of Sydney to upgrade facilities at its home, History House, to ensure our building remains part of our rich living heritage.

In 2024, the RAHS Council made the difficult decision to let this development application lapse as it could not fund the 2016 plans due to the increase in construction costs post-COVID and the challenges of raising finances in the current economic environment.

What is next?

We want to thank all our donors and assure them that their building donation is invaluable to us and will be used to ensure that History House remains part of our living heritage and a place for local and community history.

In the first half of 2024, we will review the project goals, with a focus on the heritage section of the building and the existing fabric. The History House Conservation Management Plan contains a schedule of works that will provide the framework for this component of the revised project. We also need to undertake urgent maintenance work deferred because of the larger building project and decide on a solution to our accessibility and lift issues.

We will provide updates on the building on the RAHS website, in our eNewsletter and the History magazine.

Read the History House Conservation Management Plan.

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How can I donate?

Donations can be made to the History House Project online, via EFT/bank transfer or cheque. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

EFT/Bank Transfer

Account: RAHS – Building Fund

Bank: Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 062-004

Account number: 1031 4375


Cheques should be made payable to the Royal Australian Historical Society.



You may wish to leave a particular asset, a specified sum of money, or a percentage of the total estate to support the project. If you are considering this option, please contact the Society’s General Manager at




or call (02) 9247 8001.