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RAHS Day Lecture – Mapping the colony: The intriguing contributions of Francis Barrallier

Event Date & Time: Wednesday, 2 October 2024 @ 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm

Event Location: Online via Zoom.

Cost: Free

Event Description:

The French refuge Francis Barrallier – surveyor, cartographer, engineer and explorer – made significant contributions to NSW colonial endeavours from 1800 to 1803 but fell victim to the feuding between his fellow Rum Corps officers and Governor King. His talents were employed in the West Indies instead. In this talk, Andy Macqueen will argue that Barrallier’s French origin and associations influenced his undertakings and his fate in the colony.

About the speaker:

Andy Macqueen OAM is a Blue Mountains historian. He has produced six books and many other works, including several peer-reviewed papers published by the Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations. His topics include colonial exploration and first contact, surveying, and conservation history. His latest book is The Frenchman: Francis Barrallier, life and journeys 1773–1853 (2024).
